Snow Angel

The Peroni brand is about ‘living every moment’. And this time, we needed to demonstrate this clearly in winter. In the simplest and visual of ways. There is no more spontaneous act in winter than lying down in the snow and creating a snow angel. It is a joyful act that most people have done at some point in their life. And by using the Peroni bottle to do create the snow angel, we made it clear that this is the beer brand that helps you live every moment. Even in winter.

Paul Hogarth

I left Canada for the United Kingdom with little more than a few possessions and a bright-eyed dream to travel to the one country where I could achieve the career title I truly wanted – KING. Turns out there are rules about these things. Thankfully, I could at least fall back on my creative skills. Trained as an art director and designer, my expertise spans traditional, experiential, digital and more.

Kingdoms aside, I’ve always followed a vision of big ideas. I’m a passionate advocate of original thinking. I have an instinctive understanding of human nature and a natural ability to tell a story that is meaningful to the audience. 

To see my work please contact me at or +44(0)7772254343




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